
Unteralterbach 2
Unteralterbach 2

But quite a few people wasted their time and energy having to argue about artistic representations of child abuse on a large open source project, since some list members defended the idea. It seems that there was no serious push to include the offensive game. More discussion of this spread to debian-women and debian-legal. Some list members played the game, which has content and plotlines which reportedly include disturbing in-game actions and graphic representations of sex with children.

unteralterbach 2 unteralterbach 2 unteralterbach 2

A person posing as a new open source contributor, Nils Dagsson Moskopp aka erlehmann, introduced himself on the mailing list debian-devel-games.įurther discussions introduced the idea that a particular work of interactive fiction, "Unteralterbach" should be included in Debian.

Unteralterbach 2